
In short:

Art, Ale, Nature's Charm.

Nomadically inclined and artistically driven, I wield my paintbrush to capture the ethereal Baltic landscapes en plein air. My creative elixirs include the rich taste of dark ale (a liquid muse) and the timeless echoes of old Norse songs.

My Loyal Canine Crew

A pack united, we brave the outdoors, my loyal dogs and I. With an unwavering bond, they lead me to perfect painting havens and stand guard, fending off even the wildest of interruptions from bears to boars, ensuring my creative sanctum remains undisturbed.

My Photostudio

Beyond the canvas and plein-air adventures, my passions extend to the realm of photography, which perhaps fuels my affinity for painting in the realism style. In the world of creativity, I don yet another hat as I steer a dynamic creative agency: www.adriga.com